I have known Paula Butteriss since September 2002. During that period, Paula submitted several articles for inclusion in the Henley Standard. These included restaurant reviews, a pantomime review and other advertorials. I have no hesitation in recommending her to you as a writer of quality and accuracy. Deadlines were never a problem for Paula and her copy is clean and crisp.
George Tuckfield.
Henley Standard

To whom It May Concern:
The purpose of this letter is to recommend Paula Butteriss for employment. Paula worked for the Henley Standard from September 2002 until March 2005.
Paula possess excellent sales, customer service, office and administrative skills necessary to administer a project or task. The work she produces is on-time and accurate; this made Paula an integral and valuable part of our sales team. I believe her good business skills and pleasant personality helped our business grow.
On the interpersonal side, Paula has good quality written and verbal communication skills. She gets along extremely well with managers as well as colleagues at her own level. She is highly respected, as both a person and a professional, by colleagues and customers alike.
When Paula announced her resignation following maternity leave we were sorry to see her go, although we obviously wished her success in the future.
Paula is a hard-working individual and I would highly recommend her to any company seeking the qualities outlined above. If you would like further elaboration, please feel free to contact me
Yours sincerely
Trudy Parsons
Henley Standard